
Showing posts from April, 2017

Cooking Recipe -4(Gobou Kakiage)

Sanuki Gobou Kakiage(Burdock Kakiage Tempura) This is Kakiage for Kake Udon. Only for Kake Udon Topping is Sanuki, it's better combination with Kake Udon, so it's not normal Kakiage Tempura, it needs to know this thing. For example, Ten-Kama(Kama Age Udon with Tempura), Ten-Zaru(Zaru Udon with Tempura), something Udon with Tempura, in this case Tempura is normal Tempura which you've tasted before. But Topping on the Kake Udon, only this way Kakiage is different. What is popular Kaki Age on the Kake Udon ? Vegetable, Vegetable with seafood(small shrimp, cuttlefish, etc.), Small shrimp, Boiled sweet beans, Dried Iriko(sardine), Surume(dried surume cuttlefish), etc. And Gobou(burdock) Ten is. -Ingredients- * Raw egg, Ginger, Dashi soup stock *Sliced burduck   Off course you make Gobou slice by yoursef, it's also OK. *Chirimen Jako(dried small sardine)   In Japan, it's sold anywhere so we can get it very easy, but in Europe, it's very ...

Cooking Recipe -3(Natsu Kitsune)

Natsu Kitsune(Bukkake) We can arrange many kinds of Bukkake Udon. This is one of Bukkake Udon menu for summer season. It's a very simple cooking, only topping(ingredients) is original. 1, Kitsune (Abura-Age)     You can make seasoned Kitsune.     How to cook ?     Bring Abura-Age to boiling with seasoning by low flame temperature.     Seasoning : If you have "Kake Udon soup", add sugar, mirin, sake, soysauce.                        when you check the taste you can feel "Sweet", it's OK.                        If you don't have Udon soup, you can use Dashi soup stock insted of Udon soup.                 ...

Cooking Recipe -2(Tori Nanban Udon)

Tori Nanban Udon(Tori Nan, Kamo Nan) -Ingredients- *Chicken      We normally use "Momo-Niku of Oya-Dori(thigh of elder chicken) in here,      but you can use any parts of chicken, it's OK. *Leek      I use Hoso-Negi(thin leek), also Futo(Shiro)-Negi(thick leek), Sliced Onion etc. are KO. *Abura-Age(deep-fried bean curd) *Lard *Ka-Ke Udon Soup *Boiled Udo *Pepper *Salt -Cooking- Cut leek into 3-5cm pices Cut chicken into small pieces, sprinkle salt & pepper on chicken a litte 1, Bring the Ka-Ke Udon soup to a boil. 2, Before boiling it, add chicken. 3, Skim the foam from the surface. 4, Add Abura-Age, Leek and Lard. 5, Add pepper (most important process)     You can judge this balance by yourself, it's not a little and not too too much. 6, Ladle into Udon bowl with hot boiled Udon with copped welsh leek It's no thanks...

Visiting Ramen Restaurant -2(Asahikawa)

Asahikawa(Kagawa Japan)         28th.Apr.2017 Kubara Marugame                                                         Captain J-MINO When I visited this Ramen restaurant first time, I was high school student. In those days, omner chef was famous "Henkotsu"(eccentric)and "Ganko"(obstinate). After 35years passed, now chef is changed. But now taste is quite same as old-time one. That's also Ramen history. Restaurant name is "Asahikawa". Asahikawa is one of famous Ramen brand in Hokkaido(Northan part of Japan). Is it concerned with Hokkaido ? I don't know, sorry. Taste ?     feel like a Asahikawa taste, I think may be. It's an...


小懸うどんさん(裏)                                             三野大尉 久方振りに「小懸」さんで醤油うどん食べましたけど、オフィシャルの英語版では書けない、四方山話を少し。。。 その昔、今から45~6年前かな、、、私が小学生の頃、時々、小懸さんでうどん食べたりしてましたが、当時は今の場所ではなく、現在よりも400~500m位南の交差点のところに製麺所がありまして、そもそも製麺所なので、食べるうどん屋さんでは無いんですけど、ご近所さんがちょっと寄って、、みたいな食べるスペースが、机一つ、椅子が3つか4つあったか、、、、。 確か、、、醤油だけだと35円 ? だったか、、、薬味入れたりヤカンのお湯使ったりすると50円 ? だったか、、、よく覚えてないですが、価格としては2パターンあったような気がします。 今では香川県内のうどん屋さんで「醤油うどん」を注文すると、必ずダシ醤油がでてきますが、正直私の年代だと、醤油うどんにダシ醤油だと凄く違和感がありして、、「頼むから普通の醤油にしてくれ・・・」って思うんですが、世の中の皆さんは、たぶんこの味に慣れているのでしょうから、それはそれで良いんだと思いますが、、、香川県人で50歳以上の方はそう思う人が多いんじゃないかと思いますが、まぁ、これは良いとか悪いとかではないので、、。 小懸さんと言えば、元祖「醤油うどん」、家庭でも一番シンプルな食べ方だった醤油うどんを世に知らしめた小懸さんの功績は大きく評価されるべきものでしょうし、大根をすってネギや生姜などの薬味と一緒に食べるスタイルは小緒さんオリジナル、これが評判となって現在の香川スタイルの醤油うどんになったわけですからね。 その後、大根おろしは、ぶっかけとかにも入れるようになりポピュラーになりましたが、昔は大根おろしって入れなかったんですよね。なので当然、45年前の小懸さんのお店(製麺所)にもおいてませんでした。 で、当時はどうなってたのか ?  と言いますと、、、フォト無いし、、、巨匠三野大尉がデッサンを。 小学生か ! ま、絵の出来栄えはおいといて、、、製麺所の軒先というか入ったところに一つテーブルが置いてあって、その卓上はこんな感じになってまして、、、たしか炊事場というか水道もあっ...

Visiting Udon Restaurant -6(Ogata)

Ogata Ya(Kagawa Japan)                 Apr.2017                                                            Captain J-MINO Ogata is mecca of Shoyu Udon and Sanuki Udon boom. If Ogata Udon wasn't here in Kagawa, Sanuki Udon could't be major Udon cluture in Japan. So Ogata has influenced now Japan Udon market & cluture in big business way. Everybody, clap your hads for Ogata ! If you don't know Ogata, I introduce you Shoyu Udon. Shoyu Udon is most simple Udon style, as you know. Lonf time ago when I was young, it's only Udon and Shoyu+ginger, leek a little bit. Golden Week 2017 start tomorrow 29th. Ap...

Noodle -2(Udon)

*Udon-Ken no Udon(Semi Dry)     Brand : Kubota      1year shelf life(normal temperature)      Boiling time : 10m.      After boiling : 200G.→360G.      Packing*130G. x 100pcs. *Kiri Otoshi Nama Udon(Frozen)      Brand : Kubota      Boiling time : 10m.      After boiling : 330G.→594G.      Packing*330G. x 10pcs. *Boiled Frozen Udon      Brand : Tsuji      Packing*200G. x 5 x 8 *Fresh "Nama" Udon(Frozen)     Brand : Sanuki Shokuhin      Order made Udon for restaurant      Quaolity is same as Sanuki Udon which is using Sanuki Udon restaurant in Kagawa.      Noodle detail : Ask *Boiled long life "Hou Cho Giri Udon"     Brand : Sanuki Shokuhin ...